Partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
In 2019, West Virginia entered an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to address the State’s service system for children with serious mental health conditions administered by DoHS. DOJ has recognized the current reform efforts underway in West Virginia, and the Agreement reflects DoHS’s commitment to improving West Virginia’s children’s mental health system to ensure that children can receive appropriate mental health and social services in their homes, schools, and communities, efficiently and effectively.
DoHS continues to improve access to community based mental health and social services and, whenever possible, divert children and youth from residential treatment or justice system involvement, so that kids and families can thrive in West Virginia.
Additionally, the State contracted a subject matter expert (SME) to provide semi-annual progress reports of the State’s redesign and implementation. The State's implementation plan describes the State’s efforts to uphold its obligations to help children remain in their communities and receive the most appropriate mental and behavioral health programs, especially including the following home- and community-based services (HCBS) listed in the agreement:
- West Virginia Wraparound
- Children’s Mobile Crisis Response and Stabilization (CMCRS)
- Stabilization and Treatment (STAT) Homes (formerly Therapeutic Foster Care [TFC])
- Behavioral Support Services
- Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
- Mental Health Screening
Subject Matter Expert (SME) Progress Reports:
Other Evaluations, Agreements, and Findings Letters:
DoHS supports a comprehensive system of behavioral health services and programs that build on core services provided by schools, community-based mental health services for youth, prevention coalitions serving all 55 of West Virginia's counties, staff, and other partners supporting families and youth to thrive in our communities.
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